Associate Director Elena de Lange and her new CEO John Mlynczak of  NAMM USA (National Association of Music Merchants) visited  Tom Koerting and me (HerrSchneider) – member and initiator /organizer of exhibitions on NAMM shows since 2001 – to chat about visions for a future of our activities. Since covid the NAMM was watching and […]

Mid&Ric on SchneidersBuero

SchneidersBuero was promoting electronic musical instruments for JoMoX, Sherman, Technosaurus and others on exhibitions, festivals and tradeshows such as Musikmesse Frankfurt. In 2002 this action was called SUPERBOOTH for the very first time. Mid&Ric was one of the invited artists to play a performance for Sherman on the show and a party. After not having […]

Monolake @ SOOPERradio

Talking about the history of Tradeshows for Musical Instruments something has changed twenty years ago: Together with M.E.S.I from Paris, SchneidersBuero from Berlin managed one booth on Musikmesse Frankfurt that included ten synthesizer-manufacturers like Big Briar alias Moogmusic, Elektron, Doepfer, Vermona and others with a party-like athmosphere on an outstanding booth in April 2002. We […]

fuck off SYNTHBOOTH or what?

If it is becoming emotional I better swap to my mother language, so please use some internet programs for whatever you like.. .. and forgive me the following, please: Ich empfinde es als komplett geschmacklos und unter aller Würde, ein möchtegern-Branchenevent (Webseite im Internet / „Bezahlfernsehen“) mit diesem Namen (s.O.) für eine eigentlich gut vernetzte […]

Kaum regnets ein wenig ..

.. da gehts mir gleich viel besser. Der Optimismus kehrt zurück und neue Visionen stören meine Angestellten. SUPERBOOTH wird stattfinden, wir arbeiten an einer neuen Konzeption, die hoffentlich auch den hygienischen Auflagen der Zukunft gerecht wird, mindestens aber denen der Gegenwart. Wer uns in diesem Jahr trotz Absage der physischen Veranstaltung die Treue gehalten hat, […]

Schneiders Freunde in Berlin 2016

As introduced earlier, we are busy working on a smart meeting, congress, convention for Berlin. March, 31st til April 2nd (2016) it will definitely happen now, so please keep these dates free for us to join. You will exhibit your products, join the panels and gigs, auditions, discussions and installations in the nicest venue for […]