Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft

NAMM stand 2015, empty
NAMM stand 2015, empty

NAMM 2015 was great: everybody makes modulars and synthesizers now, even outsiders like Waldorf, Radical technologies, Roland or Studio Electronics entered the world of eurorack, so now .. just  Moog and Buchla are a bit behind (!).

In Frankfurt (once Musikmesse has started in April 2015) we will know the real truth and see, if the indipendent small companies will survive the attack from outer space. For now, we definitely made the race!


P1120576To promote the collective booth on NAMM and the products from both sides of the ocean we placed an ad called „deutsch amerikanische Vreundschaft“ in european magazines promoting a Vermona and a Verbos module together as a picture for Vreundschaft – originally written with an F – Hahr-Hahr-Hahr .. See some more of our boring ads here.

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