Associate Director Elena de Lange and her new CEO John Mlynczak of  NAMM USA (National Association of Music Merchants) visited  Tom Koerting and me (HerrSchneider)member and initiator /organizer of exhibitions on NAMM shows since 2001 – to chat about visions for a future of our activities. Since covid the NAMM was watching and visiting the SUPERBOOTH Berlin several times to collect impressions and inspiration.

We met inside SchneidersLadens showroom to also introduce John and Elena to our weird and still quite popular world of modular musical instruments with  the freedom to create music even with no knowledge on harmonies or rules or scales. Afterwards we made a little walk thru our most dangerous areas around Kottbusser Tor heading over to Just Music, where they met managers of german SOMM (Society Of Music Merchants, see pic) to finally grab a good bite (?).

Some presidents working on a golden future for music merchants in Europe and the USA (picture by, thank you!) Elena missing here unfortunately

I shared the idea to get the annual meeting of music merchants (SOMM dealer days) and our annual meeting of real makers and performers (Superbooth) synced into one really good convention somehow (?) Otherwise NAMM should make this happen. No comments so far.