Synthesizer im Jenseits

Jenseits der Spree ist ein prominentes Krimiformat auch, weil der beliebte deutsche Schauspieler Jürgen Vogel den Kommissar gibt. Heute um 20:15 läuft die vierte Staffel an, die erste Folge „Letzte Rettung“ wurde in großen Teilen in unserem Laden bei Musik-Bading gedreht, schöne Bilder und sogar ein paar Sounds und Monologe stellen den modularen Synthesizer einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit als Instrument vor. Auf hat auch „der Jim“ das noch einmal ein wenig tiefschürfender im Text beleuchtet und kommentiert, vielen Dank.

Jenseits von Minimoog und Modularsystem: Jürgen Vogel im Verkaufsraum von SchneidersLaden (Screenshot ZDF-Mediathek)

Modular Beginner Workshops -November

***THE WORKSHOPS ARE ALL FULLY BOOKED*** We’re offering three Modular Beginner Workshops this month – for the first time in our shop in Neukölln! At the end of October we gave the last workshop at the old showroom at Kotti, now it’s time to bring the workshops to Neukölln. In the first week of November, we’ll be adjusting a bit before continuing the Modular Beginner Workshops in mid-November. At the moment we only have limited places available for the workshops. We therefore recommend that you register with Timm (

The Modular Beginner Workshops offer an uncomplicated introduction to the world of modular synthesisers and are aimed specifically at inexperienced users. The free workshops do not require any previous knowledge.

Come along to make your entry into the world of modular synthesisers easier and to experience a lively exchange about creative and technical aspects.

We look forward to seeing you!

Dates: 14 / 21 / 28 November from 6 pm

Registration with Timm:

Free of charge!

Workshop Situation SchneidersLaden

Modular Beginner Workshops – October 2024

Curious about modular synthesizers but don’t know where to start? Join us for the last two SchneidersLaden Modular Beginner Workshops this October! Learn the basics of modular synthesis in a welcoming environment. We will cover the basics of patching, signal flow, and sound design.

October 24th, 6 PM – Workshop with Miquel

Miquel will guide you through the essentials of modular synthesis, from understanding modules and signal flow. His practical approach makes it easy for beginners to dive into the world of modular synths without feeling overwhelmed.

October 31st, 6 PM – Workshop with Jessica

Jessica will lead this session, helping you to understand the creative machines called modular synthesizers. Whether it’s crafting unique sounds or learning how to structure your patches, Jessica’s experience will help you to find your way in modular land.

Both workshops are perfect for beginners, with plenty of time for questions and conversations afterwards. Whether you’re completely new or just looking to sharpen your skills, these workshops are a great way to get started on your modular journey.

See you there!

Location: SchneidersLaden, Kreuzberg – at Kotti above REWE

Start: 6 PM – 8 PM 

Cost: Free – no registration required

Hainbach Workshop – Joranalogue Collide 4

Workshop time again! Wednesday 23rd of October – 7 pm – SchneidersLaden Kottbusser Tor.

We’re very lucky to have a wonderful neighbor called Hainbach. Even better, he’s teamed up with Joranalogue to bring us one of the most unexpected yet spectacular Eurorack module releases of this year – and it’s a real highlight! Collide 4 is a lock-in amplifier – a scientific research device that was used in nuclear research facilities and – good thing for us – is excellent for generating sound and processing audio signals. When you look at the building blocks of this module, you realize that it’s a small modular system on its own that you can explore in great depth. Join us for a kick-start to your journey with the Collide 4! The workshop will be held by Hainbach himself.

We are assuming that the event will be quite popular, so we will have to proceed on a first-come, first-served basis. If the rooms are full, we may have to stop entry.

This will be the last workshop in our old showroom at Kottbusser Tor, except for our own Modular Beginner Workshops until the end of the month. We are looking forward top welcome you for these last events at Kotti! It has been a great place that we will miss, but it is now time to build new memories in Neukölln. We welcome you to join us!

The workshop is free, no registration required. Find our doorbell in the entrance areo of REWE supermarket at Kottbusser Tor (Skalitzer Straße 135a).

Drums in Eurorack: Workshop 17. Oct 7pm at Kotti

Spontaneous workshop on drums in Eurorack! Due to the cancellation of the Jomox workshop, we are offering you a small workshop on drum synthesis tomorrow. It’s all improvised and without a roadmap, but we’ll get there somehow. If you want to join the ride, please come to Kotti tomorrow at 7 pm – same time, same place!

Schneidersladen Kottbusser Tor:
Skalitzer Straße 135a, Berlin-Kreuzberg – 7 pm – free of charge – no registration necessary

CANCELED : Jomox Workshop with Jürgen Michaelis – Alpha Base MkII & ModFM D

PLEASE NOTE: UNFORTUNATELY THE WORKSHOP HAD TO BE CANCELED – we are trying to find an alternative date and will inform you asap! Sorry!

Join us for an exclusive workshop with Jürgen Michaelis at SchneidersLaden, the visionary behind Jomox, as he introduces the all-new Alpha Base MkII and the ModFM D. This event offers a unique opportunity to dive deep into Jürgen’s latest innovations and hear directly from the creator himself.

The focus of the evening will be on the Alpha Base MkII, the powerful new iteration of Jomox’s acclaimed drum machine, combining analog warmth with advanced digital control. Jürgen will walk us through its features and demonstrate its capabilities.

Additionally, Jürgen will present the ModFM D, the desktop version of the ModFM synth that was released last year—also a great machine in its own right!

Whether you’re a seasoned synthesizer enthusiast or just curious, this workshop promises to provide insight into high-end drum synthesis and FM sound design.

Free entry. Space is limited, so arrive early to secure your spot!

Date: October 17th, 7 PM 

Location: SchneidersLaden (Old Showroom) – at Kotti above REWE – Kreuzberg

DigitalAnalog München FR&SA

Wer für echte Livemusik von jungen Menschen offen ist, Inspiration zur eigenen Musik sucht, oder gern umsonst Konzerte guckt, sollte die DigitalAnalog, das Festival für Musik und Visuals im Moffatwerk München nicht verpassen. Über Jahre waren wir mit unserem Modularkarussell immer wieder gern dabei, aber wegen terminlichen Gründen und personellen Engpässen mussten wir schweren Herzens für dieses Jahr absagen.

Ausdrücklich möchte ich – HerrSchneider – nochmal hervorheben, dass es für mich und uns und vor allem für das Karussell immer wieder ein Highlight war und hoffentlich auch in der Zukunft wieder sein wird, an diesem vor allem jugendlich hoch frequentierten Festival teilnehmen zu dürfen.

Und weil der Moogulator nun offensichtlich auch schon dreimal gespielt hat und nicht wiedergewählt wurde, sollte doch bitte seine ihn liebende Web-Community nicht gleich heulen und die Veranstaltung verschmähen, sondern auch für andere elektronische Lebensaspekte die Augen offen halten. Die Veranstalter tun es ja schließlich auch und das ist immer wieder verdammt viel Arbeit!

Wir sind dran, wünschen Euch auch ohne uns eine gute Zeit und sehen uns hoffentlich sowieso alle wieder auf der SuperBooth 2025 und vielleicht auch wieder in München im nächsten Jahr.
Ein herzliches Danke an Claudia und Stefan fürs immer wieder machen!

10. Oct.: Modular Beginner Workshop – Thursday

On 10. Oct. we will show you how to find your way into the world of modular synthesizers. In addition to a few basics that are important to know, you’ll get a thorough explanation of how patching works.

This workshop is for anyone thinking about getting their first modular synthesizer. We will cover all topics necessary to understand the principles of synthesis and patching. We’ll cover the basic vocabulary and principles of synthesis needed to navigate the world of modular, and of course you’ll be able to ask the questions that your own research didn’t provide the answer to.

The workshop is free of charge, and there is no registration required! Just come by and enjoy your time with interesting workshops and great people.


Thursday: 10. October
Start: 6pm

At Kotti – Skalitzer Straße 135a – above REWE Find our doorbell in the entrance area of REWE

Free – No registration required

Synthesizer Workshops at SchneidersLaden: A whole series of videos

At SchneidersLaden, we’ve had the pleasure of hosting a series of engaging and insightful workshops with some excellent companies and people! From innovative drum machines to intricate modular systems, these events have given synth enthusiasts an up-close look at some fascinating machines.

We’re excited to release some of the recent workshops and recordings that were long overdue today – sorry for the delay! A few hours of in-depth insights into our favorite topic – enjoy!

Each of these workshops offered a unique opportunity to learn from the creators themselves and explore the fine tools shaping modern synthesis. Stay tuned for more events and exciting collaborations at SchneidersLaden!

Modor Workshop with Marcel Belmans at SchneidersLaden

ACL Modular Synthesizer Workshop with Stefan Lewin – SchneidersLaden

Workshop with Circuit Happy at SchneidersLaden

Workshop with Andreas Zhukovsky of at SchneidersLaden

Wednesday: Structure – Video Synthesizer Workshop

Mr. @cinema.av will once again teach you about the fascinating world of video synthesis! This time we’ll be learning about the mighty Structure video synthesis module!

STRUCTURE is a visual generator module that already brings so many functions with it that it is ideal to be your first video synthesis module or you can use it as a perfect centerpiece of your bigger video synthesizer – it even has a handy screen!

Find us above REWE supermarket at Kottbusser Tor, our doorbell is located in the entrance area of REWE.

Start: 7pm!

The workshop is free (donations very welcome)!

Join us!

2nd October 2024 – 7PM