SchneidersBuero startet anno 1999 in Berlin with an office inside #Haus des Lehrers at Berlins Alexanderplatz. I moved the office to Friedrichshain, back to  the Alexanderplatz, from there into a small house in the backyard of Kreuzbergs Adalbertstraße and from here to our beloved rooms at the Kottbusser Tor.

With the help of Daniel Miller and Tom Körting we realized an own showroom inside Rough Trade East, London. When the „Kotti“ became too small for what we did we started the separated Alex4 distribution GmbH in the Ritterstraße, later on we separated the Logistics at that place and we had the temporarily „Spiegelsalon“ with the idea of moving the whole shop there. Alex4 finally had to move out towards their increasing size.

When the (probably poor) Londlord increased our rents again we decided to stop our work for his income and intensed the search for something better. Together with friends like Hardwax we had plenty of ideas to move to but nothing could become reality for us and all our friends around including Verbos Electonics, E-RM Erfindunsbüro und others.

In the end we are moving to Neukölln now with (just) our SchneidersLaden GmbH, filling the well known building of Musik-Bading with new life in 2023.