2016 started with a weird feeling of too much war in the world. People including many foreigners attacked wifes in several german stations for not just pickpocket but also sexual reasons, the general feeling is rather bad. Still Germany and Europe is (mostly)under peace and democratic policy, lets try out best to keep this.
The business starts with NAMM, we will have a little bit Dancefair, every month a smart workshop in SchneidersLaden, Ads for the Superbooth and the SUPERBOOTH16 itself: The biggest project we ever made: An own identity as the SUPERBOOTH Berlin GmbH will make it happen, we welcome many new and old faces on board to help and try our best to make it a good feeling here in Berlin.
The very first „real“ SUPERBOOTH(16) accidently happened in the Funkhaus Berlin, it was a great place to start but later on the venue became a no-go-area for me personally towards some circumstances with the owner, we swapped to the FEZ-Berlin, what is much much better for all our needs.