We now have an idea of the concerts, gigs and workshops that will happen on SUPERBOOTH16. SchneidersBuero alias HerrSchneider himself (myself) will present a series of TALKs in the evening in Saal1. I invited some longtime clients, friends, new and well known musicians to introduce their most famous electronic musical instument to explain it afterwards.
Not even the (earlier head of) acoustic engineers of the building Mr. Dipl.-Ing. G. Steinke is an expception here introducing the Subharchord, that was designed inside the Funkhaus-Buidling in the times of the GDR. He offered to hold the presentation about this in english, so our international guests can latest here understand the importance of this building and some more facts from the german special history.
Saturday 20:30/ 8:30 pm Saal1 Funkhaus Nalepastr. Use the daytime ticket (Saturday) from our ticket shop Superbooth16 (several) and, arrive 2pm earliest, 8pm latest.