Modular Synthesizer Ensemble

Dieses Jahr hatten wir wieder einmal Gammon mit seinem Modular Synthesizer Ensemble zu Gast auf der SuperBooth Berlin. An den Werktagen kamen morgens jeweils Schulklassen, am Samstag eine gemischte Gruppe, um zu lernen, was es mit modularen Systemen so auf sich haben kann. Hier eine Doku der diesjährigen Performance.  

Be SOOPER is growing:

Towards the cirumstance that ukrainian refugees should be welcome taking over the Hall in our wonderful venue FEZ-Berlin, we created a new masterplan for this years SuperBooth and SOOPERgrail making it an even bigger and better festival, congress and tradeshow with even more space and activities outdoors and in the building. Around twenty performances, concerts, […]


We finally had to shift the SUPERBOOTH 2021 to late summer, now looking forward to welcome you on board at the FEZ and its wonderful park around it from 15th until 18th of September. sooperGRAIL will happen in May 2022 now, the exact dates will be published soon. Guitar makers and exhibitors who already got […]