Radio Industry hat begonnen

Das Großprojekt von RAdio Woltersdorf und weiteren, Radio Industry hat begonnen, jetzt ON AIR im Livestream vom 28. August bis zum 10. September direkt aus Woltersdorf zum Thema Baukultur Leben. Auch unser alter Freund Gammon wird mit dem Modular Synthesizer Ensemble drei Tage zugegen sein, diverse Konzerte und Gespräche sind geplant, hören geht immer, verpassen […]

Modular Synthesizer Ensemble

Dieses Jahr hatten wir wieder einmal Gammon mit seinem Modular Synthesizer Ensemble zu Gast auf der SuperBooth Berlin. An den Werktagen kamen morgens jeweils Schulklassen, am Samstag eine gemischte Gruppe, um zu lernen, was es mit modularen Systemen so auf sich haben kann. Hier eine Doku der diesjährigen Performance.  

live from the WUK in Vienna..

Circus n Modulars (?!) .. tonight: march 19th, 2021, third corona wave, 8 pm – our dear partner and friend Gammon will perform together with experienced comtemporary circus performer and artist Arne Mannot on a free livestream (8pm til 10pm) on the main stage in Viennas WUK. If you can not make it tonight (like […]

This was virtual NAMM for us..

Respecting the unbelievable huge american musicians society called NAMM having organized the BelieveinMusic21_Logo worlds biggest tradeshows for musical instruments for plenty of years – we also participated in their virtual exhibition called „believe in music“ now, .. as we were frequent visitors and exhibitors for more than 20 years already. The Feedback and Interest, the […]

Life should be so simple:

If you still have good old Doepfer gear, please be aware that it is not that bad as some expensive import hipster things in supersmall with tiny or freaky new features and demo-buttons and plenty of stored functions. Please look at the existing things from good old german engineers as your homegrown, locally (ground-)transported and […]

.. the biggest thing we do?

Probably the biggest thing we do and the reason why musicians and artists keep one or two days while traveling for at least one relaxed afternoon inside SchneidersLaden, Berlin is the possibility to compare products in person! Understanding that this is a kind of pollution (if you can not make it to Berlin for other […]

Workshops and Gigs again soon (!):

On August 22nd with Gammon from Vienna presenting the „Workshop für Unwissende“ and his own use of modulars in addition. See you soon on the Galery?

Talking bout next generation..

Gammon – who did the modular workshops for kids on SUPERBOOTH17 – is currently celebrating one event after the other with his „modular synthesizer ensemble“ like the „Tage zeitgemäßer Musik“ where it is absolutely NOT about techno or groovy music btw. .. read more about our engagement for new potentials on Stomkult here. ..  


Starting with Gammons modular-workshops with kids as happened every day on this years Superbooth i will release all the videos step by step thru our vimeo channel now commented by guests. See here our first try having met Gammon again in my office (SchneidersBuero) for another interview commenting the cut-down a bit in a Q&A-situation.