Be SOOPER is growing:

Towards the cirumstance that ukrainian refugees should be welcome taking over the Hall in our wonderful venue FEZ-Berlin, we created a new masterplan for this years SuperBooth and SOOPERgrail making it an even bigger and better festival, congress and tradeshow with even more space and activities outdoors and in the building. Around twenty performances, concerts, […]

For your safety as for ours..

.. we have to change a few things back to „normal“ as already experienced during the (first) corona Lockdown in spring time  this year: Within this week we will unfortunately have to close the little pickup counter in our stockroom at Ritterstraße again. From now on we kindly ask you to order online or over […]

Dieter is the NIKOLAUS ?

Diesen Donnerstag (6.12. = Nikolaus) kommt Dieter Doepfer zu einem weiteren Workshop zum Thema D.I.Y.. In diesem Fall und aus aktuellem Anlass backen wir Kekse. Auch wenn der ungekrönte Pabst der Eurorack Modularwelt vielleicht eher für seine fast unzähligen Module bekannt sein sollte, ist es wert auch einmal seine einmaligen Plätzchen zu kosten, denn nur […]